Clinic Consultations


Making appointments


We accept appointments by phone, whatsapp and email (at least one day in advance). Please alert our staff if you think you are having an emergency.

For follow-ups, you can choose to book well in-advance and receive our computer-generated reminder.


Past is not just the past



Some conditions can be the effects of previous surgeries. Seemingly unrelated illnesses can be a sequel to something years ago. Please bring along any film, report or drug list that you have on the first consultation. We will make a summary, so you only carry the weight once.

You are strongly encouraged to obtain a password from the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong for medical record access, if you have ever attended a public hospital.


Referrals and referees


You might not be able to recall everything that has happened to your body over the years. Your doctors can, from their records. Please let us know if there is anyone we can talk to to obtain more information, if needed. 

We will update your referring doctor regarding your medical condition unless instructed otherwise by you. We welcome any number of significant other(s) that you bring along.



Cure is not guaranteed, good advice is


Ask any number of questions while you are here with us, and be prepared to answer many. We might not be able to tackle all problems in one go, but a step foward is a step closer.


It's not "now, or never"


A pill that stays in the package does no good to your condition. If you are concerned about the therapy (e.g. after a midnight Googling), feel free to talk to us (We typically return medications-related emails within 24 hours), before you decide to abandon the course.


About languages

English and Chinese (Cantonese & Mandarin) are preferred. Interpreters for other languages available upon request at a modest fee.

We will try not to make you wait


Please try to do the same. :)


Before you come to us


Information provided on this page serves as a general guide, and is by no means exhaustive or complete. It should not be used in any way to diagnose or evaluate a physical condition. Please see your physician if there are any unaddressed concerns.
