Services & Fees 服務收費

​門診胃鏡檢查、大腸鏡檢查推薦Dr Paul NG Ho 吳昊醫生

​​Consultation 診症收費

$1250 (new 新症) / $1000 (follow-up 覆診)

+/- Drug fees (Or free prescription slip for independent dispensaries)

+/- 另加藥費 (或選擇自行於其他藥房配藥,藥單不另收費)

C13 Urease Breath Test (For Helicobacter Pylori) 碳13呼氣測試 (幽門螺旋菌)


Outpatient Gastroscopy (OGD, EGD) 門診胃鏡檢查


+$1500 for polyp removal +$1500 瘜肉切取及化驗

Inclusive of the doctor's fee, theater charges, equipment charges, helicobacter pylori testing (CLOtest).


Outpatient Colonoscopy 門診大腸鏡檢查


+ $4000 (1-3 polyps / 1-3粒瘜肉)

+ $6000 (4 or more polyps / 4粒瘜肉或以上)

Standard bowel cleansing (GI Klean) 普通洗腸瀉藥 (GI Klean)收費


Other forms of bowel cleansing available upon request 特殊洗腸瀉藥視選擇而定

Inclusive of doctor's fees, theater charges, equipment charges and pathology charges.


Combined endoscopy session (Gastroscopy & Colonoscopy) 胃鏡大腸鏡合併檢查


*Please refer to the above for the included services.


Hemorrhoid banding 痔瘡結紮


Inclusive of consultation fee 已包診金

Small bowel Capsule Endoscopy 小腸膠囊內視鏡


Inclusive of consultation fee 已包診金

Smartpill motility testing 消化道動力測試


Inclusive of consultation fee 已包診金

Bravo pH test(96 hours) 無線胃酸倒流測試 (96小時)


Inclusive of consultation and Gastroscopy fees 已包診金及胃鏡檢查費用


Inpatient services 住院服務

Varies according to different hospitals, please contact us

